Florida law prohibits you from driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and the law also applies to operating a boat. Just like a motor vehicle, a watercraft is a large machine that is capable of injuring others and damaging property when operated...
A Full-Service Law Firm
drunk driving defense
Do you know how to choose a designated driver?
Before heading out for an evening of drinks with your friends, you may decide that one of you should act as the designated driver. Doing so is a great way to avoid an accident and a DUI, but you have to make your selection carefully. Alcohol.org offers tips on...
Can you get a DUI for driving with legal drugs in your system?
It is not an uncommon scenario: A Florida resident takes a Percocet or antidepressant or even cough medicine and gets behind the wheel of a vehicle. A cop pulls him or her over for erratic driving or an innocent error. Something about the driver’s appearance or...
Challenging breath test measurements
You might think that having a breath test measurement indicating that you were intoxicated is irrefutable proof of you having driven under the influence of alcohol. Such is the assumption held by many of those in Shalimar who come to see us here at the Campbell &...
Can field sobriety tests be used against you in court?
Florida has strict laws meant to tamp down on the use of substances when driving. In order to determine if someone has been driving under the influence, tools like field sobriety tests may be utilized. But can these tests be used as evidence against you in court?...
2 people injured after possible BUI-related boat accident
Anyone in Florida operating boat (or any watercraft) under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol may face harsh penalties. Individuals charged with boating under the influence, may pay a fine, serve jail time or face other penalties. Courts base BUI charges, in large...
The importance of a drunk driving defense
Although a drunk driving charge may seem minor at first, DUI charges can have a serious impact on an accused individual's personal and professional lives. It can create a criminal record that will follow the accused individual as well as result in serious penalties...
What are drunk driving charges based on?
Knowing what drunk driving charges are based on can help accused individuals better defend against the charges they must deal with. Drunk driving defenses are particularly important because of the serious potential consequences and penalties facing individuals who...
What penalties can I face for a drunk driving charge?
In general, there is a list of potential penalties individuals accused of drunk driving may face but they may also specifically wonder what those potential penalties and consequences they are facing are. Typically, accused individuals facing drunk driving charges are...
Criminal defense protections for those accused of DUI
While there may sometimes be the impression that drunk driving charges are not serious criminal charges, they are serious criminal charges that threaten significant potential penalties and consequences for the accused individual. The accused individual may face...