The Coronavirus has impacted the economy of the entire nation in a manner that was not imaginable three months ago. Congress has responded by passing the largest stimulus bill in American history. The CARES Act was passed and signed by the President on March 27,...
A Full-Service Law Firm
Do you know about constructive possession?
If you have never heard the term “constructive possession” before, it is a legal doctrine that allows a prosecutor to convict you of drug possession even if you did not actually possess the drugs at the time of your arrest. FindLaw explains that when a prosecutor uses...
When taking your medicine lands you in criminal court
When the topic of DUI charges comes up, most people think of drunk driving. They may be surprised to learn that, in Florida, a person can end up facing DUI charges without taking a single sip of alcohol. In addition to forbidding drunk driving, Florida law also...
Basics of child custody in Florida
If you face divorce when your children are still young, one of the first things you will wonder about is how custody works. Getting some basic facts can provide a framework for figuring out what you need to discuss when consulting your attorney. Today, Florida law...
How remarriage may affect child support
You are soon to get remarried and are full of questions about how the child support you pay or receive could change. For example, say that you pay child support and your new spouse makes a lot more money than you do. Does that mean your payments are likely to...
A guide to Florida marijuana laws
Several states are passing medical or recreational marijuana laws. California now has legal marijuana, and a recent news report speculates that Florida may be next. But it may be hard to determine exactly how Florida law treats marijuana. With terms such as...
Divorce might be the best option for you and your kids
Some might have an impression that, for the sake of the kids, it is better to remain in a loveless marriage than to divorce. However, in some cases, such an approach might actually run against the very goal a parent is trying to further: protecting their kids'...
Can children choose which parent to live with in Florida?
Divorce with children is infinitely more complex than a divorce without children. So many factors come into play regarding child custody, visitation and child support when a divorce is being settled. In cases in which the divorce is contentious, these issues may...
Can I change my custody order after the divorce is final?
Question: My divorce was final a few years ago and my ex and I decided that she should have primary custody since I was on the road so much. My job has now changed and I am home most of the month. I would like to have fifty/fifty custody. Can we change the original...
5 questions going into a divorce
Many times divorce is ugly, and there is no doubt divorce is the right thing to do. Nearly as often, we work with clients who still have a lot of feelings for one another. Here are five questions you may want to ask yourself – and one another – to see if you are...