This blog recently discussed the importance of a strong drunk driving defense. Drunk driving charges can present many negative personal and professional consequences and can also result in serious potential penalties including jail time and fines. In a nearby Florida community approximately an hour and a half from the Shalimar area, a head high school football coach was recently arrested on drunk driving charges.
According to the citation the coach received, he refused to submit to a breathalyzer blood alcohol test or a blood or urine test to determine blood alcohol content. The high school coach was stopped and cited with misdemeanor driving under the influence. He was jailed and then later released. Following the DUI arrest, the high school coach was suspended from his job without pay for a week.
Because of the potentially significant consequences stemming from a drunk driving arrest and charges, having a drunk driving defense plan is important. A defense strategy to drunk driving charges, or any criminal charges, is essential to help avoid the harsh potential consequences of the charges the accused individual is facing. Because there are both criminal and administrative consequences associate with drunk driving charges, it is important for accused individuals to understand the process.
When faced with DUI charges, it is important to be familiar with the methods of challenging drunk driving charges which has also been discussed on this blog in the past. Challenging the statements made by authorities, or how they administered tests, is an important element of a strong criminal defense that can help protect the rights and freedoms of the accused individual.