Children have a right to be supported by their parents and it is important that divorcing parents or unmarried parents understand their child support rights and responsibilities. The family law process in Florida can help parents sort through child support concerns...
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Firm News
What are drunk driving charges based on?
Knowing what drunk driving charges are based on can help accused individuals better defend against the charges they must deal with. Drunk driving defenses are particularly important because of the serious potential consequences and penalties facing individuals who...
Getting an estate plan going and set up is a must
This blog recently addressed the importance of updating an estate plan but, of course, of at least equal importance, is setting up an estate plan. One of the most basic and foundational components of an estate plan is a will and drafting a will is important but there...
Knowing when to update an estate plan is important
Updating an estate plan is equally important to developing a well thought out and effective estate plan. Just as estate planning should take into account different aspects of the estate planner's life, it is also important to take into account any changes in the...
3 mistakes to avoid during child custody negotiations
Child custody is likely one of your core concerns during your Florida divorce. You probably want as much custody of your children as you can get. The negotiation process, which is often fraught with emotional arguments and legal complexities, can be hard to navigate....
What is required for a will to be valid in Florida?
One of the most important parts of an estate plan is a will which directs the distribution of the estate planner's assets to the beneficiaries they select and according to their direction. There are many considerations to take into account when estate planning...
3 tips for co-parenting with a high-conflict ex
You may think that after the divorce is final, things in your life will start to settle down. You and your kids have to fall into a new routine, and making it as seamless as possible for their benefit is your primary concern. A large part of how smoothly this goes is...
Transitioning through divorce as a stay-at-home mom
A divorce is a life change that can affect you in several different areas of your life. As a mother, the effects reach even further. For those currently going through a divorce or will be in the future, it is important to understand and plan for certain things. Here...
Can students lose scholarships after a DUI?
It is no surprise to hear many college students experiment with alcohol while in school. Unfortunately, many decide to act dangerously after a night of drinking and get behind the wheel of a car. One University of Florida student did precisely this by ramming his car...
How can I relocate after a divorce in Florida?
If you are divorced and have children with your ex, you cannot simply decide to relocate with your child or children. If you plan on moving away from where you currently live, you need to go through particular procedures with respect to your relocation in order for it...