A Full-Service Law Firm

Legal support for a multifaceted divorce

On Behalf of | Aug 1, 2019 | family law |

A divorce ends a marriage. It breaks the legal bonds that were created when two people chose to unite into a legal couple and live their lives as spouses. In Florida, couples choose to divorce every day and begin the painstaking process of unwinding their lives from those of their exes.

While a divorce has a start and a finish, it is made up of many negotiations, deliberations, and considerations. For example, when a divorcing couple has kids, the parties must work out how they will continue to parent their children, where the kids will live, and how they will work to financially support them. All couples must address matters related to the division of their property, the establishment of alimony, if needed, and the settlement of their debts.

As readers can tell, a divorce may have a singular focus, but it is comprised of many different elements that all must be settled in turn. The failure of a person to fully address the multifaceted nature of their divorce may result in them failing to protect important rights, interests, or investments.

The Campbell & Madden, PLLC invites readers to explore its website on divorce to better understand the many pieces that must fit together to successfully bring about the end of a marriage. Attorney Campbell’s firm is located in Shalimar and is open to new and existing clients who wish to take a proactive approach to their family law needs. This post does not offer legal advice but supports readers’ rights to find legal counselors who understand their unique divorce needs.
