Nearly all theft convictions are first-degree misdemeanors or felonies in Florida. So, even after a person serves a sentence and pays fines and restitution for a theft conviction, it could affect his or her job opportunities indefinitely. A vague statute allows some...
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Campbell & Madden, PLLC Legal Blog
Can I refuse to take a blood alcohol test?
If you are driving a vehicle in Florida and a police officer suspects that you are under the influence of alcohol, he or she is going to pull you over. Then, the officer is likely to ask you to submit to a blood alcohol content test. According to Florida...
What is not included in marital assets?
The most litigated part of divorce proceedings is property division. If you are thinking about or in the midst of divorcing your spouse, you likely worry about what property will remain exclusively yours and what is part of the marital assets. As an “equitable...
The consequences of drunk driving charges as an older adult
When people think about those who are stopped for driving while they are drunk, many envision a college student, teenager, young adult or middle-aged individual. However, it is important to keep in mind that many older adults are stopped for drunk driving as well....
How does joint custody benefit a child’s mental health?
Florida parents like you want what is best for your child. Sometimes, this is hard to figure out. This is especially true in situations like divorce. It is hard to strike a balance between what works for your family and what benefits your child. Studies show that...
How do standardized and non-standardized field sobriety tests differ?
Florida drivers like you may not know what to expect when asked to take a field sobriety test. You may have seen them in television shows before, but how accurate is that to real life? Field sobriety tests are a common tool law enforcement uses. They often decide if...
Can jail sentences end abuse issues?
Many people argue that putting someone in jail or prison for a drug crime does more harm than helping the addicted person. However, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, scientific research shows that time in jail or prison can be good for you if you have...
Know the legal consequences for Florida DUI
Know the legal consequences for Florida DUI Motorists can receive a charge of driving under the influence in Florida with a measured blood alcohol content of at least 0.08% or when an officer observes impairment. If convicted, the driver can receive jail time as well...
Understanding the correlation between divorce and health
When couples in Florida are in a hostile relationship, their health may suffer as a result of the contention, frustration and unhappiness they experience so frequently. If they choose to divorce, they may notice new effects on their health that may not always be...
How do you stop a restraining order?
If somebody close to you requests an injunction — the legal term for a restraining order in Florida — you would probably have two main concerns. These would be defending yourself against the criminal charges and opposing the civil injunction action. Although these...